1. Have we done something to strengthen their minds / intellect?
Can I really go an entire day without doing something that falls into this category? It seems like I have. Ok . . . that's not good. Too much screen time yesterday, but those days happen.
2. Have we done something to strength their sprit / faith / their foundation in God?
The thing I'm not sure about sometimes is that we can have a superb day and then I look at these questions and think it was an entire bust. I know a lot of these things are happening subconsciously, but I do want to be purposeful about them. So off with the guilt, and on with the, "Hmm, lets be thinking about that today."
3. Have we done something to strengthen their bodies?
Lots of outside play on the big toys, climbing, stretching, and lifting. In fact, I actually wondered yesterday if I should add a "Did we spend time outside today?" question for the winter. Outside time is really important to me from the tiny baby stage all the way through to adults. Fresh air and sunshine!
4. Have we done something to strengthen their emotional self?
Yes! Sharing a new routine here because I'm no good at routine, I don't like it but my preschooler thrives on it. As part of my Project Simplify my life we are now having tea together immediately following nap time. Little moments of civility enrich our emotions and I want to make this one a habit. The key to AP is attachment, I am so sad when I see people "stop spanking" and get so frustrated because they are not replacing it by nourishing attachment. This just doesn't work any other way. So tea will be our time, our moment of civility (shamelessly stolen from Sally Clarkson), and a scheduled bit of work on that attachment we need. Part of the routine is allowing her to hand wash (rinse) the cups and saucer and pot in the sink when we are finished. Sort of a nod to minimalist "washing your bowl" combined with Montessori family life works and sensory play with the warm water. So there you have it. Hoping to come back at some point and ad some links here to define some of what I mean. If you have questions, please ask!
5. Have we done something to strengthen our family bond(s)?
Last night was trash night and though she didn't help Dad as much as usual due to a very bad mood (Judy Moody, anyone? ;)), we took the time to do a little bit of extra decluttering. I believe she learns about how we work together and support each other from watching even when she isn't involved. And of course she was following us around everywhere and interacting even though she was officially upset about not getting to play on the computer. Attachment makes even the grouchy times better - there's my unsolicited proselytizing for the day. :)
U have my vote of confidence. - mom